Living Pain-Free

 If you're looking for freedom from chronic pain without complicated diets, meds or surgery so that you can live your life on YOUR terms again - then joining this community will be the best decision you can make for your future. 

I'm ready for pain-free living!

Don't let chronic pain hold you back any longer. Embrace the transformative power of Living Pain-Free and embark on a journey that will change your life forever.

The system I provide in Living Pain-Free helps you become the version of you that supports your body's ability to heal. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and tired of missing out on life because of chronic pain then this community is for you. 

In Living Pain-Free you'll gain CLARITY, feel EMPOWERED and will live a life of FREEDOM again!

Imagine a life where pain no longer holds you back.

...A life where you wake up energized, free from the shackles of inflammation, and ready to embrace each day with enthusiasm. Living Pain-Free is a revolutionary monthly membership program designed exclusively for people like you, who are seeking scientifically proven solutions to chronic pain, inflammation, and lack of mobility.

What sets Living Pain-Free apart from other programs is our comprehensive approach that addresses your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. True healing goes beyond superficial treatments. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

What if nothing changes?

What would your life look like in ten years ... 

➡️ limited mobility 

➡️ lack of vitality 

➡️ missed opportunities with family and friends 

➡️ dependency on medications and surgery 

➡️ emotional toll and anxiety

 I know you don't want this and I don't want this for you either.

The Solution

End the pain with a new way of living.

Once I figured this out, I wanted to share it with other people. I trained to become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, a Certified Yoga Teacher and eventually, I left my 30-year engineering career so I could help other people who were suffering like I was. 

I developed a six-step system, the DESIGN Blueprint™️, using proven science that can be personalized for anyone. 

It cost me thousands of dollars but it was totally worth it. 

I've had the pleasure and privilege of helping hundreds of people in my coaching practice and seeing their lives transform as they put pain behind them and become the best version of themselves. 

I teach the simple, easy, and doable steps I've learned in my Living Pain-Free membership program.

Join me and the other incredible people in this community who are putting pain behind them and living their best lives!

3 Reasons You Still Have Pain

Not Addressing the TRUE Root Cause of Chronic Pain

Most people, including practitioners, are focusing on secondary symptoms, not the TRUE root cause. The real root cause is a dysregulated nervous system. Until the nervous system becomes regulated, nothing will provide lasting relief. 


You've Been Repeating the Patterns that CAUSE Pain

Pain is the body's way of protecting itself in response to your repeated thoughts. You need to learn and apply simple science-backed methods to change the thought patterns contributing to nervous system dysregulation. 



Changing Habits is Hard by Yourself

Habits that regulate the nervous system are built on subconscious programming, most of which developed before the age of seven. Creating new thought patterns requires a new set of practices that most of us never learned, much less apply. And we need support while doing this. 

The Good News

With the right tools, guidance and support, you can put pain, lack of energy and feeling overwhelmed behind you. 

If you are willing to embrace all parts of you with intentionality, I invite you to join us in Living Pain-Free.

On the Inside

You’ll find the resources, the encouragement and the motivation you need to move away from inflammation and toward freedom by following my clear six-step success path. 

I am going to show you just what I have been doing myself. I know the struggles but I also know the glorious freedom that comes with making these lifestyle changes, trusting your body and your inner wisdom. I am worth it. You are worth it too.

Hi lovely! I'm Jane

I had my own story with chronic pain. 

Pain crept into my joints and got worse by the day.

It got so bad I was walking like an old woman with a shuffle - and I had only just turned 50.  I didn't even have enough strength in my hands to squeeze shampoo out of the bottle or turn door handles. 

The pain kept me awake at night and I had no energy. 

Eventually I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition.

As you can imagine, I was in very bad shape and wanted this pain to be GONE, but I really didn't want to mask symptoms with meds.

The problem was I didn't know how to do it.

Then I decided to use my engineering background which had taught me that everything is figure-out-able, so I began applying those problem-solving skills to my health.

I started experimenting, tracking and graphing. I tried anti-inflammatory diets. I tried working with a naturopath. I tried all the lifestyle changes and these helped, but I was still in pain.

But I didn't want to give up on my dream of becoming pain-free naturally.

The Problem

Then I discovered the root of the problem.

I mistakenly believed that the pain was happening TO me rather than FOR me. I believed pain was the enemy.

In reality, pain was actually a gift, a wake-up call, calling my attention to a deeper issue. 

This reframe changed everything!

You see, we haven't been told that pain is rooted in emotional pain and underlying stress. 

It turned out that thoughts and feelings I carried inside me my whole life eventually led to physical pain and illness. 

I started researching how to heal the pain from the inside out. I looked into the science behind the body's power to heal naturally and turn on our innate repair systems. I experimented on myself ... and it WORKED!

Follow my six-step  DESIGN Blueprint™ Success Path

Each step has achievable milestones to gently move you forward to health and vitality

Step 1: Desire

Create a vision of what you desire and take the first steps to create a healing state in the body.

Step 2: Explore

Explore new possibilities and begin the baby steps that are foundational for true healing.

Step 3: Surrender

Release what's not serving you to allow more good to flow in.


Step 4: Integrate

Nourish your body, mind, and spirit to give you energy for healing.

Step 5: Generate

Feel empowered and live intentionally ... and see the results of your initial desires.

Step 6: Navigate

Be the writer, producer, director, and actor in your life, free to follow your desires without limits.



Jane has been a great support, role model and coach. Skin issues with eczema are gone and the chronic hip pain I used to experience is greatly reduced. I have really enjoyed the weekly lessons, resources and coaching sessions with Jane and the other members of our group. This journey has been a wonderful experience! I am looking forward to growing and learning more in the year to come!


New Hampshire

Being part of this group is like being at a wellness retreat with like-minded people who want to learn how to get out of chronic pain not just get a prescription to mask symptoms. Jane is fun, smart, kind, uplifting and respectful and works hard to help us achieve our goals. We share ideas and encourage each other with privacy and no judgement. I feel better now than I did ten years ago!



Jane is compassionate, non-judgmental, and an excellent communicator. She uses a holistic approach involving mind, body, and spirit to help a person become their best self. She is there in a loving way to support you through the peaks and valleys of the journey. You'll gain a sense of peace in body and mind. Give yourself the gift of this membership, you have everything to gain!

Living Pain-Free is my Virtual Curriculum and Community.

It's designed for people who:

➡️ Have inflammation, pain, lack of energy or feelings of overwhelm and know it's finally time to put these behind you so that you can live life on YOUR terms

➡️ Are interested in more than a band-aid solution to regain health and vitality by turning on the body's innate ability to heal so you can have freedom again

➡️ Are looking for a supportive, kind group of like-minded people who are on the same path as you

➡️ Would like guidance from a health coach, mind-body-spirit educator and from a person with personal experience in overcoming pain to become an even better version of themselves  

It's NOT for people who:

✖️ Aren't interested in addressing the TRUE root causes of chronic pain

✖️ Are only interested in working on physical solutions

✖️ Aren't open to seeing how science and spirituality work together for healing

Everything You Need in One Place

What's Included in Living Pain-Free:

  • My proven six-step success path The DESIGN Blueprint™ 
  • Two group coaching sessions in Zoom every month
  • Monthly wellness workshop with amazing guest experts
  • Monthly mindset lesson and Heartwork Book™
  • The Living Pain-Free Members Guidebook
  • Unlimited written coaching Q&A
  • Four Yoga & Breathwork classes each month: Vinyasa, Chair, Chakra, and Restorative
  • Access to our private Facebook community for inspiration, guidance, and loving support

Everything is recorded so you can take advantage of them whenever and wherever you want and you can access all the goodness on your computer or mobile device.

PLUS These Fabulous Bonuses:

  • BONUS 1: 16 Guided Meditations designed to relieve pain ($200 value) - FREE
  • BONUS 2: Freedom Talk™️ Journaling to help release toxic emotions ($300 value) - FREE
  • BONUS 3: Flare Care Toolbox™️ quick pain-relief tools ($500 value) - FREE
  • BONUS 4: Library of 48+ Wellness Workshops with guest experts in natural pain relief ($1056 value) - FREE
  • BONUS 5: Make Mornings Matter guideline + support to help you supercharge your day ($120 value) - FREE

 That’s over $2000 for FREE when you join Living Pain-Free today! 


What's the Investment? 

Just $97/month OR save and get two months for free by choosing the annual payment option of just $970!


 You'll hold this rate as long as your membership remains active. Cancel anytime. 

Join me in Living Pain-Free. I'd love to help you become the pain-free version of you too!

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

- Buddhist proverb

I believe you are reading this for a reason. You were guided here. You are ready. I have learned so much I want to share with you and I want to help you become pain-free too.

Reversing pain and regaining energy and peace naturally IS possible and you have the wisdom in you to know how to do it. I can help you tap into that wisdom and teach you how to use it to create a future you love, free of pain so that you can live your life on your terms again, unencumbered by pain.

Here's what more Living Pain-Free members and alumni are saying:

“To me, it really is the integration of mind, body and spirit, tying it all together. Since I’ve been in the program, it's like, oh, this is what it feels like to be free. I never ever knew how that felt.”

— Penney

“Throughout my time with Jane’s group I have lost 50 lbs, now have no aches and pains, have gained an insight into so many facets of my life and felt so much love and support from everyone that I shall remain forever grateful.”

— Maureen

“I’ve gotten so much more than I ever expected from Jane’s coaching. Working with Jane has changed my life. Jane has taken out the stress of not knowing where to start and feeling alone in my autoimmune condition. I can’t think of a better gift one could give themselves than joining this program!”

— Renee


“Jane’s ability to listen with compassion, ask interesting questions, and offer gentle suggestions created an environment for me to heal. After years of trying without success, I am now pain-free with Jane’s help. If you are open to trying new healing modalities, I highly recommend Jane as your guide.” 

— Jenny

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Yes! I'm ready for pain-free living