Create Elegant Moments to Help Lower Pain and Inflammation

anti-inflammatory blog meditation pain-free peace Dec 22, 2020

My beautiful journey along the path of natural healing led me to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza.  Dr. Joe is a chiropractor who healed from a devastating back injury using the power of the mind.  For the last ten years or so, he has been hosting workshops around the globe where people have experienced healing transformations … healing ‘miracles.’  Over several days he teaches participants how to use their minds to heal their bodies.  

What I love about Dr. Joe’s work is that he uses a scientific approach to the spiritual work of healing … right up my alley!  The workshops include a team of scientists that are measuring brainwaves, energy, blood antibodies, heart-rate variability and other physical indicators.  

As more people at the events witness other, ordinary people, heal from chronic illnesses and terminal diagnoses, the healings grow.  This is reminiscent of what happened after Roger Bannister broke the four-minute-mile in 1954 - a barrier which was thought to be impossible for a human being to break.  Within a year four other runners achieved the same feat. Since then, thousands have conquered the four-minute-mile.  

What happened? Their BELIEF in what was possible changed because they saw evidence of what was possible. 

The same thing happens at Dr. Joe’s events. People see that healing is possible, they learn to create the state to allow healing to happen, and for many healing DOES happen. 

One of the concepts Dr. Joe teaches is the ‘elegant moment.’  Through meditation and intentional focus, students are taught to transcend the self, letting go of thoughts about the past and awaken to the potential of a new self by connecting to a world beyond our five senses.  

This may sound mystical, and indeed it is, but we can create elegant moments in our everyday life as well.  


How do we do this? We can begin to pay attention to our thoughts and the emotions we have as a result of our thoughts. If those thoughts are negative, we consciously create positive thoughts.  

We have about 90,000 thoughts a day and for most people, about 60,000 of those are negative thoughts.  Accompanying thoughts are emotions and emotions create vibrations in our body. The genes in every cell in our body experience these vibrations and then ‘express’ accordingly.  Negative thoughts result in negative gene expression resulting in poor health and illness. 

Your body hears everything your mind says.
— Naomi Judd

Most of these negative thoughts are rehashing past events and hurts, or worry about the future.  Neither are helpful … or healthful. 

The truth is that if we can simply stay focused on the present moment, and find something to feel grateful for in that moment, we can turn those negative thoughts into positive ones.  

Is it really that hard to find something to feel grateful for?  If nothing else, feel gratitude for your breath, for your heart, for your vision, or your hearing.  


And then … Keep. On. Going. 

Create your own elegant moments as you move throughout your day, stacking one upon another, by being present with where you are, what you are doing and the people you are with.  A string of elegant moments will help you feel more positive in your mind and body, and your genes will respond by moving you in the direction of wellness.

Have you created more ‘elegant moments’ in your life this year? How have you done that and how did these make you feel?

Do you have pain and inflammation?  Your thoughts about these can actually lessen or intensify your physical symptoms.  Your thoughts can have a big impact on how you feel.  I have a great free resource for you to implement TODAY to help you change your thoughts and lessen the intensity of your pain.  Click on the image below to receive it


Get started with lowering pain and inflammation with my free Release with Peace Audio Bundle

Get your audio bundle here!


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  2. All information in this post is based on my personal experiences. Please discuss any changes to your diet, lifestyle or medications with your healthcare team. No information in this article is meant to replace medical advice. Please read my Terms and Conditions.