What Your Food Ate Matters

blog eat real food grass-fed organic pastured put good in Nov 11, 2019

‘You are what you eat’ as they say.  But it actually goes much deeper than that.  We are part of a food chain and because of that, we also eat what we eat ate.  Now, that’s a mouthful!  Bottom line: what our food ate matters, because what our food ate ends up in our body as well.  

Every cell in our body is replaced over a seven year period.  Some cells turn over quickly and some take much longer.  The cells that line our intestinal wall, for example, are replaced every 3-5 days.  Bone cells on the other hand turn over on a much longer cycle.  

Regardless of the cycle of cell turnover, our new cells are built from our fuel … the food we eat. A new you is constantly being built from the food you choose to put in your mouth.  I find this concept both incredibly simple and amazingly empowering!  With every bite, we are literally building a new version of ourselves.

With every bite, we are literally building a new version of ourselves.

So, what we choose to eat is impacting our future.  

Since we eat what we eat ate, what our food ate is also impacting our future.  Most of us don’t really think about what our food ate, and we probably are so far removed from the source of our food that most of us don’t even know what our food ate.  But now that we are clear that what our food ate matters, it makes sense to pay attention, right?  

Consider the animal-based food you eat.  Where did it come from and what did it eat? Did roam or swim freely to find its natural preferred food?

The reality is that much of the animal-based food in the supermarket has come from animals or fish that have been raised in an industrial setting and not fed the food it naturally prefers.  Most industrial farms use food that is cheap and fattens the animals up quickly: grain and soy products.  The animals (and fish) are also treated with hormones and antibiotics so these compounds end up in your body as well, contributing to poor health.


Much of the industrially grown plant-based foods are also ‘fed’ products which are less than desirable for us.  Chemical fertilizers and pesticides sprayed on the plants end up in the plants and in our bodies.  They also end up in the animal feed, which goes into THEIR bodies, which of course then ends up in our bodies.  

Industrialized agriculture has resulted in crops developed to promote high yield rather than high nutrients.  The effect has been an overall decline in nutritional quality in whole foods.  There is actually less nutrition per calorie in industrially grown compared to organically grown crops … not as beneficial for your body, and actually more expensive nutritionally.


To create a best future self day by day, it makes sense to put the best quality fuel in.  ‘Put good in’ is my motto!

Put good in.

How can you put good in as a gift to your future self?  If you know me, you know by now that I like to keep things simple. Here are three simple strategies to help you put good in:

  1. Choose grass-fed or pastured meats raised without antibiotics or hormones or choose wild game or wild-caught fish

  2. Eat organically grown vegetables

  3. Buy food from small, local farmers’ markets


These are simple, but I understand that for many people, these can seem like a big change.  To make it easier, start where you are and take small steps.  Choose to change one meal each week and go from there.  Being aware that what your food ate matters to your health will help motivate you and encourage you to make better choices more often.

Making progress not perfection is the goal!   

A great way to help improve your health is choosing to create peace and calm while you are eating.  HOW you eat can be as important as WHAT you eat.  I have a great resource for you to implement TODAY to help you become empowered in your health.  Click on the image below to receive it. 

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  1. This blog may contain affiliate links. Click here to read what this means.

  2. All information in this post is based on my personal experiences. Please discuss any changes to your diet, lifestyle or medications with your healthcare team. No information in this article is meant to replace medical advice. Please read my Terms and Conditions.