7 Ways to Improve Gut Health to Help Reverse Rheumatoid Arthritis

anti-inflammatory blog gut health healthy habits healthy living inflammation natural Nov 02, 2020

This month I am focusing on gut health - sooo important to our overall health!

Did you know that most joint pain - like rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune related joint pain, osteoarthritis, and even tendonitis - has a gut health connection?

Of course, if you have IBS or other gastrointestinal issues, you know how much poor gut health can wreak havoc on your life. Other issues are related to poor gut health too like skin rashes, migraines, respiratory issues, hot flashes and many more common conditions. These issues are so common that they have become normalized in our culture.

I was so surprised to learn the gut health connection when I began researching the causes of rheumatoid arthritis when I was first diagnosed in 2016. Initially, I thought it was crazy that gut health could have anything to do with my joints, but I was SO WRONG!

As it turned out, my gut health and EVERYTHING to do with my joint pain!

About 80% of our immune system is in the gut, and this makes perfect sense because what we eat and drink goes directly inside us exposing our sterile insides to all kinds of potential harm. The immune system is there to protect us if harmful things enter the body through the digestive tract.

The problem is that sometimes the intestinal lining breaks down and particles that should never get to the other side - our insides - leak in and the immune system, like an overworked police force, gets confused and overactive.

What causes the cascade of breakdown of the gut lining leading to inflammation? A myriad of things including stress, lack of nutrition, medications, poor eating habits, lack of routine, stressful thoughts and feelings and more. Basically, it’s the way we live in our culture. Our lifestyle creates an environment that eventually leads to inflammation.

The good news is that our lifestyle is within our control. This means that we are in a position of power to change our health!

The other good news is that the cells of the intestinal lining are replaced about every 3-5 days so repair can happen rather quickly.

When I first began making changes in my lifestyle, I eliminated three of the most common inflammatory foods and within FIVE days, I had a significant reduction in pain!

The change was so dramatic that it helped motivate me to keep going, keep experimenting and eventually get that inflammation right down.

Would you like to give it a try for a week? You and your future are worth it!


I’ve got some suggestions here for you, pick one or more to try. Consider it a little experiment and prepare to be fascinated with how your body responds when you show it some love. Keep a journal to track your results with bloating, how you sleep, your mood, your symptoms and how you feel in general. 

 Here are 7 ways you can improve your gut health: 

  1. Slow down your eating! This will help your digestive system do its job better. Plus, it’ll help you stop eating before you’re too full, and you’ll also swallow less air (which cuts back on gas). 

  2. Get on a meal schedule. Try to eat at the same times each day. Your body performs best with a regular routine. 

  3. Stop eating a couple hours (at least) before bed. For many people, the GI system is most active during the day. 

  4. Reduce stress. Your body has a much harder time digesting food when you’re feeling tense and stressed out.  

  5. Do deep breathing exercises. Think about breathing down deep into your belly! 

  6. Avoid Processed Food. All those preservatives and extra sugar can do a number on your gut buddies. 

  7. Move. Moving your body helps move food through your digestive tract! Find something you love that you can do now.


You may be so impressed by how you feel that you’ll want to keep adding more healthy habits to your life.

And if you need someone to help you make the transformation and reach your goals, I know a great health coach. 😉

A great way to help improve your health is choosing to create peace and calm while you are eating. HOW you eat can be as important as WHAT you eat. I have a great resource for you to implement TODAY to help you become empowered in your health. Click on the image below to receive it.

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  1. This blog may contain affiliate links. Click here to read what this means.

  2. All information in this post is based on my personal experiences. Please discuss any changes to your diet, lifestyle or medications with your healthcare team. No information in this article is meant to replace medical advice. Please read my Terms and Conditions.